In the following statement, Dalia Lombardi informs about the use of cookies on its website:

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer by websites. They are tools that play an essential role in providing many information society services. Among other things, they allow a website to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits or their devices and, depending on the information obtained, can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

Types of cookies

Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, a distinction is made between two types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies: those sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the requested service is provided to the user.
  • Third-party cookies: those sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

If cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered first-party cookies.

There is also a second classification based on the length of time cookies are stored in the user’s browser:

  • Session cookies: designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. They are generally used to store information that is only needed to provide the service requested by the user on one occasion (e.g., a list of purchased products).
  • Persistent cookies: data remains stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Finally, cookies can also be classified by the purpose for which the obtained data is processed. Here a distinction is made between six cookie types:

  • Technical cookies: allow the user to browse a website, platform, or application and use the different options or services it offers, such as controlling data traffic and communication, identifying the current session, accessing restricted access web parts, storing elements that make up an order, executing the order purchase process, forwarding a registration or participation request in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for video or sound broadcasting, or sharing content through social networks.
  • Customization cookies: allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language, the type of browser used to access the service, the regional configuration from which the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analytical cookies: allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of websites, applications, or platforms and to create browsing profiles of their users, with the aim of introducing improvements based on the analysis of data on the use of the service by users.
  • Advertising cookies: allow for the most efficient management of advertising spaces.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing for the development of a specific profile to display advertising based thereon.
  • External social network cookies: allow the user to interact with the content of different social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and are generated only for users of these social networks. The conditions of use of these cookies and the information collected are regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social platform.

Disabling and deleting cookies

The user has the option to allow, block, or delete cookies installed on their computer by configuring their computer browser options. By disabling cookies, some of the available services may not be operational. The method of disabling cookies may differ from browser to browser, but can usually be performed via the Tools or Options menu. You can also consult your browser’s Help menu for instructions. The user can choose which cookies they want to use on the website Dalia Lombardi at any given time.

You can allow, block, or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge:
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Chrome:
  • Safari:
  • Opera:

Additionally, you can manage cookie storage in your browser using tools such as:

  • Ghostery:
  • Your Online Choices:

Cookies used on

The cookies used on the website Dalia Lombardi are identified below, along with their type and purpose:

  • _gat
    • Duration: 1 minute
    • Description: used to display our advertising on other Google network pages. Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, in compliance with European data protection legislation, and undertakes not to share it with third parties unless required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it holds. For more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please visit:
    • Type: third-party
    • Purpose: behavioral advertising
  • _ga
    • Duration: 2 years
    • Description: used to distinguish users. Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, in compliance with European data protection legislation, and undertakes not to share it with third parties unless required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it holds. For more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please visit:
    • Type: third-party
    • Purpose: analysis
  • _gid
    • Duration: 24 hours
    • Description: generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, in compliance with European data protection legislation, and undertakes not to share it with third parties unless required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it holds. For more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please visit:
    • Type: third-party
    • Purpose: behavioral advertising
  • gac_
    • Duration: 90 days
    • Description: includes information about the user’s campaign. If you have linked your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts, website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out.
    • Type: third-party
    • Purpose: analytical displays information about its Cookie Policy at the bottom or top of every page on the site upon each access.

In light of this information, you can take the following actions:

  • Accept cookies: This notice will not be displayed again during the current session when accessing any page of the website.
  • Modify/customize settings: You can find out more information about what cookies are, learn more about the Cookie Policy at:, and change your browser’s configuration accordingly.