In compliance with the information obligations stipulated in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the OWNER of the website provides the following information:

Company Name: Dalia Lombardi



To the extent permitted by law, Dalia Lombardi assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and accuracy of the data or information contained on its web pages.

The content and information are not binding on Dalia Lombardi and do not constitute legal opinions, advice, or consultations of any kind, as it is a service offered for purely informational purposes.

Dalia Lombardi’s web pages may contain links to third-party pages that Dalia Lombardi cannot control. Therefore, Dalia Lombardi assumes no responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party sites.

The texts, images, sounds, animated images, software, and other content included on this website are the exclusive property of Dalia Lombardi or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage, or total or partial public communication thereof is subject to the explicit consent of Dalia Lombardi.

Furthermore, to access some of the services offered by Dalia Lombardi through the website, it will be necessary for users to provide certain personal data. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such personal data, users are hereby informed that, by filling out these forms, the personal data they have entered will be stored and processed in Dalia Lombardi’s records in order to provide and offer its services, as well as to inform users about improvements made to the website.

Users are also informed that they will have the opportunity to exercise their rights of access, opposition, rectification, erasure, limitation, and portability of personal data, free of charge and at any time, by sending an email to:



The website Dalia Lombardi is a work composed of various integrated and inseparable elements (texts, illustrations, photographs, animated images, videos, computer programs, including the website’s HTML codes, etc.), whose intellectual property belongs exclusively to the OWNER, except for materials licensed from third parties.

THE OWNER and their licensors always retain the intellectual property rights of the website and the various elements that compose it, considered individually, in all copies made (whatever the medium in which they are incorporated), granting them only the rights of use described below. Any rights not expressly granted are deemed reserved.

In addition to the above, THE OWNER is responsible for the selection, design of the structure, and layout of the website’s content, and has taken the initiative and assumed the risk of making significant investments aimed at obtaining, digitizing, and presenting them, therefore she is entitled to the protection that Article 12 and Title VIII of Book II of the Intellectual Property Law can confer on the website, considered as a database.

THE OWNER is also the sole owner of the design and graphics of the website, reserving the relevant legal actions that may correspond against those who make imitations or unfair use thereof.



It is permitted to:

  • Browse, access and view the website on a device, with the authorization of any temporary or accessory reproduction, provided said reproduction is not voluntary and forms an integral and essential part of the technological transmission process. Access to certain sections of the website may require prior registration.
  • Following registration, you can use the services and benefits provided by the OWNER to their users through the website, under the conditions expressly indicated in the different sections.

It is strictly prohibited to:

  • Carry out any operation related to the website, its contents, downloaded products, and copies thereof that are contrary to the law, morality, and good faith.
  • Use the website outside of the user’s personal and private scope, especially for commercial or professional purposes, including sending advertising or messages and collecting and processing third-party data.
  • Perform any type of extraction, public communication, and/or transmission, in whole or in part, by any means, outside the private scope of the authorized use, including their incorporation into any other work, including websites, collections, or databases.
  • Remove, hide, or falsify the notices and warnings regarding the intellectual or industrial property of the website or any product provided through it.
  • Perform operations and activities expressly prohibited in any other section of this legal notice and, in general, anything that may damage the normal operation of the website, other users, or any third party.



The creation of links and hyperlinks to the website from other pages or websites is authorized, provided that they are not created in a way that damages the public image and brand of the OWNER, the website, or any of the individuals and products referenced. When creating links to the website, it is expressly forbidden to use techniques that create confusion about the identity and ownership of the content, such as framing or others.

Creating links from pages or websites whose content promotes or supports, directly or indirectly, any type of violence, discrimination, pornography, or illegal activity is expressly prohibited. Similarly, creating links for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

When creating links, the use of elements taken from the website without the express consent of the OWNER is expressly prohibited.

Under no circumstances should it be inferred that links to the website from pages or websites of third parties imply a relationship between the OWNER and their owners, nor imply the approval, sponsorship, or recommendation of the OWNER regarding their content and legality.



As a customer or user of the website, you undertake to make appropriate use of the content and services offered through the website and not to use them for:

  1. Engaging in activities which are unlawful, illegal, or contrary to good faith and public order.
  2. Spreading content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or terrorist nature or that violates human rights.
  3. Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of the OWNER, its suppliers, or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage.
  4. Spreading content that harms the image and reputation of the OWNER or third parties.
  5. Violating the intellectual property, industrial, image and honor rights, or other rights that belong to the OWNER or third parties.


THE OWNER shall have full freedom to decide whether or not contributions and messages will be published on the website, having the faculty to withdraw them when deemed appropriate.

Violation of any of the rules contained in this legal notice, and in particular the provisions of this clause, will entitle the OWNER to immediately remove the user or subscriber from the website.