Dalia Lombardi, in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data of users of Dalia Lombardi’s services collected through the forms on the website:, are entered into automated, user-specific archives.

The collecting and automated processing of personal data by Dalia Lombardi serves the purpose of maintaining the business relationship between Dalia Lombardi and the user and carrying out activities  including information compilation, training, and consulting, among other services provided by Dalia Lombardi.

Such personal data will only be communicated to necessary entities exclusively to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes.

Dalia Lombardi adopts the necessary measures to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of said data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of and free movement of such personal data, and, repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on data protection and the guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDDD).

The user may exercise at any time the rights of access, opposition, rectification, erasure, limitation, and portability of personal data recognized by the aforementioned Regulation (EU). These rights can be exercised by the user by sending an email to:

The user declares that all data provided by him/her are truthful and correct and undertakes to keep them updated by communicating any changes to Dalia Lombardi.

Purposes of Personal Data Processing:

Why do we process your personal data?

Dalia Lombardi will process the personal data of users collected through the website:, for the following purposes:

  1. Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered by the website and the industry.
  2. Sending promotional information electronically.
  3. Providing the information requested by the user through the contact form.

Please note that you can object to the sending of commercial information at any time and by any means, simply by sending an email to the above-mentioned email address.

It is obligatory to complete the fields provided in the contact form. Dalia Lombardi will otherwise be unable to pursue the stated purposes included in the form if this data is not provided.

How Long Will the Collected Personal Data Be Stored?

The personal data provided will be kept for the entire duration of the business relationship or until the user requests its deletion and for the period for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.


The processing of data is legitimized on the following legal bases:

  1. Request for information and/or contracting of Dalia Lombardi’s services, the terms and conditions of which will be communicated before any possible contracting.
  2. For consent to be valid, it must be obtained freely, for a specific purpose, be informed, and be unequivocal. This is achieved through the comprehensive presentation of information in this privacy policy. Once carefully examined, if you agree with the terms presented, you can give consent through a clear statement or positive action, such as checking a specific box.

In the event that data is not provided or is provided incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to fulfill the user request, and it will be impossible to contract and provide services.


The data will not be communicated to third parties outside of Dalia Lombardi, except out of legal obligation.

Hosting services have been contracted outside the European Economic Area, in the United States, which is considered a safe destination for international data transfers, based on the agreement reached on data protection between the EU and the USA (Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework).

Data Collected by Service Users:

In the event that the user uploads files containing personal data to shared hosting servers, Dalia Lombardi is not responsible for the GDPR not being complied with by the user.

Intellectual Property Rights

Dalia Lombardi owns all copyright, intellectual and industrial property rights, know-how, and any other rights related to the content of the website and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its realization and related information.

Reproduction, publication, and/or use of the content, in whole or in part, of the website, for any purpose other than strictly private use, is not allowed without prior written authorization.

Intellectual Property of Software:

The user must respect third-party software made available by Dalia Lombardi, even if it is free and/or publicly available.

Dalia Lombardi holds the exploitation and intellectual property rights necessary for the software.

The user does not acquire any rights or licenses regarding the contracted service, the software necessary for the provision of the service, or the technical information for monitoring the service, except for the rights and licenses necessary to fulfill the contracted service, and only for the duration thereof.

For any action beyond the scope of the contract, written authorization from Dalia Lombardi will be required. The user is prohibited from accessing, modifying, or viewing the configuration, structure, and files of servers owned by Dalia Lombardi; the user assumes civil and criminal liability arising from any incident that may occur in servers and security systems as a direct result of negligent or willful action.

Intellectual Property of Hosted Content:

The use of services provided by Dalia Lombardi by the user which violates intellectual property legislation is expressly prohibited, in particular:

  1. Use contrary to Spanish law or that violates the rights of third parties.
  2. The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of Dalia Lombardi, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic, or defamatory.
  3. Cracks, serial numbers of programs, or any other content that violates the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  4. The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their explicit consent or in violation of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of  and free movement of such personal data.
  5. The use of the domain’s mail server and email addresses to send unsolicited mass emails.

The user is fully responsible for the content of their own website, transmitted and stored information, hyperlinks, claims from third parties, and legal actions in reference to intellectual property, third-party rights, and the protection of minors.

The user is responsible for complying with the laws and regulations in force and the rules regarding the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, public order maintenance, as well as the universal principles of Internet use.

The user will indemnify Dalia Lombardi for the expenses generated by the attribution of responsibility to Dalia Lombardi in any case in which responsibility is attributable to the user, including legal fees and legal defense fees, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.

Protection of Hosted Information:

Dalia Lombardi performs backup copies of the content hosted on its own servers; however, it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the full replacement of data deleted by users, as this data may have been deleted and/or modified during the time elapsed since the last backup.

The replacement of deleted data is included in the price of the service only when the loss of content is due to reasons attributable to Dalia Lombardi.

Commercial Communications:

In accordance with the LSSI (Law of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce). Dalia Lombardi will not send advertising or promotional communications by email or any other equivalent electronic means that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients.

In the case of users with whom there is a prior contractual relationship, Dalia Lombardi is authorized to send commercial communications regarding products or services of Dalia Lombardi similar to those initially contracted with the customer.

Nevertheless, after proving their identity, the user may request that no further commercial information be sent to them through the designated channels.